Səpin müddəti, sxemi və qidalanma şəraitinin soya dəninin keyfiyyət göstəricilərinə təsiri
09 Jun 2022The scientific-practical magazine "Soil science and agrochemistry" (IISSN: 2222-7882) was established in 1935. The journal is published under the leadership of the Department of Biological and Medical Sciences of ANAS. The magazine was established on the basis of the new requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan "Recommended periodical scientific publications for the publication of articles in the Republic of Azerbaijan". The journal is on the list of periodical scientific publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to publish the main results of dissertations in the field of economic sciences. The magazine publishes the articles of local and foreign researchers in Azerbaijani, Russian and English 4 times a year quarterly.
Purpose and scope
The purpose of the journal "Soil Science and Agrochemistry" is to highlight new scientific knowledge, including innovations, scientific research achievements in the agricultural field, giving preference to the publication of original articles that theoretically and practically express the general conceptual problems of modern science.
The journal accepts articles in the following fields of science:
Genesis of soils, modern nomenclature and classification according to international standards, development of theoretical bases of anthropogenic impact on irrigated soils and soil degradation;
Scientific basis of land processes management;
Conducting the State land cadastre in Azerbaijan on scientific basis, regionalization of land based on ecological fertility models and scientific analysis of land reform in the republic;
Development of methods of recultivation of oil and man-made polluted lands in the Republic;
Ecological and agrochemical bases of research of mineralogical composition, biological activity, humus condition of soils and restoration of fertility;
Ecological problems of agroChemistry
Compilation of a bank of agroPhysical, optical and thermal properties of soils;
The journal publishes the articles of local and foreign researchers in Azerbaijani, Russian and English 4 times a year quarterly.